I got my hair cut last week. Nothing too exciting, more like a trim. But, it feels better.
What feels even better is doing a henna treatment on my hair. My kids think it's mud, and it looks like it. I still had one box left from our trip overseas, so I used half of it yesterday. My hair feels soo good afterwards. It gives it a hint of red, but not much.
One of my kids asked me, "Why do you put mud on your hair?"
Me- "Oh, just because. It makes my hair healthier."
Different child- "Does Daddy do it?"
Me- "No."
First kid again- "Mommies put mud in their hair, but Daddies don't." Yep, pretty much. :o)
For some reason today I found myself think about my mountain - Mt. Rainier. We used to live so close to it in my younger years. When I close my eyes, I can barely see it though. Makes me a bit sad. I miss the mountains, the gorgeous green forests, the Puget Sound, and the fresh smell of rain. I'm so thankful I had the opportunity to live on the West Coast.
Things are moving along towards our long-term plans. Time needs to slow down a bit though- it's already March?!!?
I am giving a talk tomorrow at my Bible study to the "large group"- maybe 80-100 ladies. It's personal, and I'm nervous. So, if you think about it pray for me. And, no I'm not posting my talk to the blog- way too long. If you want to know what I said, you'll have to be there. :o)
Funny picture of the day:
Mario and Luigi |