So, I've been really bad about getting on here. I'm realizing blogging everyday is hard. I should have set a more reasonable goal, like twice a week.
Since I'm behind I think I will just give you the last week all in one!
Psalm 71:8 Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day.
#13 God's goodness in providing for us. We trust Him to guide our steps.
#14 The simple things in life bring enjoyment. I'm thankful for discovery and learning about God's wonderful creation.
#15 Brett passed his Oral Board Exam!!
#16 The kids and I were able to take Brett and his office staff lunch to celebrate. I'm thankful he has kind staff that seem to work as a team and get along well.
#17 For our parents! We have the best parents in the whole world!
#18 Thankful for the opportunity to share our work in SouthEast Asia with Liam's AWANA class. We had a lot of fun answering questions and trying to keep Liam from being the know-it-all. But, he was pretty excited.
#19 Our family. We have so much fun together!
The jeep the boys built. Liam is driving and Kieran is giving directions with the map they made. |