I don't know why I've waited almost 5 years to try this. Ice cream made from snow? Crazy. And fun! Yesterday we had a fresh snowfall. I told the kids we'd try to see if we could get enough snow in our (clean) bowls to make some snow ice cream. We were only supposed to have an inch. After about half an inch the snow started melting, and we were pretty sad. But, I told them we'd just wait and see what it was like by dinner. The weather turned a bit cold again and snow fell once more. By dinner we had plenty of snow!
Basically you take clean snow, milk (whole is best), sugar, and vanilla, and stir it all together until it has the right consistency. It'll be a bit more like soft ice cream. The kids thought it was great! I would suggest trying not to get ice clods with your snow (since it melted a bit we had ice mixed with snow in our bowls). I really need to find a way to make chocolate, maybe chocolate syrup instead of vanilla?
If you have snow you've got to try it. This morning I was jumped on by two very excited boys saying, "Mommy, we have more snow!! We can make more snow ice cream!" Obviously they enjoyed it.
Today I am going to try something else new. Friday at our homeschool co-op, one of the moms brought sugar cookies. They were quite tasty- and made with avocados instead of butter. So, today I thought maybe I'd try it. But, then I found this recipe instead, and well.....chocolate wins out every time. I mean, we don't have to have hearts for Valentine's Day, right?
Ok, these cookies are fabulous. I used honey, not sure just how much, but next time I'll use a little less. Make sure your avocado is not too hard. Coconut oil gives ut a nice flavor. Only makes about 2 dozen.