Thursday, September 20, 2012

Drifting towards the dark side

It all started with swimming lessons and these two cuties:

With such influences, how could I say no? Our oldest daughter, Eliana, is all princesses, and pink, and frilly, and girly. (My family and friends will notice the irony here.) She is also the sweetest, kindest, and most affection little girl. Saying no to her is almost impossible. So, when she discovers the little girl at swimming lessons who is the same age had her nails painted pink.......  I'm sure you know what's coming next.

Sarena didn't want to miss out either, and surprisingly she sat still. 
Admiring their pretty toes.

They are two very excited girlies. For my sake though, we found a good use for painted nails: attracting caterpillars.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Starting soccer

Kieran and Liam have been enjoying playing soccer. We started two Saturdays ago. They've made some new friends and are learning a bit about how to play. Liam loves playing and tries to do everything, including play goalie even though there are no goalies for his age group. He is definitely energetic and is actually pretty good at soccer.

Kieran played goalie for the first quarter of his second game. He had 3 really awesome saves.

And Brett got to be there for both games this weekend! We were all excited about that.

Friday, September 14, 2012

MY Pencil!

You know, as a mom of 4 kids there are a lot of things I end up sharing.

The couch.

The books.

The food off my plate.

The bed.

Hey, I even share my jelly beans.... my birthday jelly beans. If that isn't love I don't know what is.

But, one thing I do not share.... my pencil. It's nothing special, just a mechanical pencil that has a nice fat eraser. And it stays on my desk. Where I can find it. And use it. (And now you know why I don't share it.)

So, Wednesday morning after sharing the bed, and the desk, and the paper on my desk, the little Honey Badger swiped my pencil! I was utterly lost without it. No, I don't want a pen. I know I have a basket full of them, but I want my pencil. No, I don't want the kids pencils. I want MY pencil.

I searched my bedroom, the kids rooms, the living room, every room! Asked each of the kids, even the Honey Badger. She jabbered something and went to my desk. I thought, yes! Nope, she just stared at my desk with a "Where? Where mommy?"

So, this morning I had to print something out, and low and behold, when my printer opened up there was my pencil sitting on the paper tray.

Thanks, little stinker.

I feel restored now. And, yes you can all laugh at how weird I am.

On a slightly more normal note, we now have a fully functioning new computer! I can now post pictures. And, as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. (Yes, I see your happy dance, Daniel!)