Friday, September 14, 2012

MY Pencil!

You know, as a mom of 4 kids there are a lot of things I end up sharing.

The couch.

The books.

The food off my plate.

The bed.

Hey, I even share my jelly beans.... my birthday jelly beans. If that isn't love I don't know what is.

But, one thing I do not share.... my pencil. It's nothing special, just a mechanical pencil that has a nice fat eraser. And it stays on my desk. Where I can find it. And use it. (And now you know why I don't share it.)

So, Wednesday morning after sharing the bed, and the desk, and the paper on my desk, the little Honey Badger swiped my pencil! I was utterly lost without it. No, I don't want a pen. I know I have a basket full of them, but I want my pencil. No, I don't want the kids pencils. I want MY pencil.

I searched my bedroom, the kids rooms, the living room, every room! Asked each of the kids, even the Honey Badger. She jabbered something and went to my desk. I thought, yes! Nope, she just stared at my desk with a "Where? Where mommy?"

So, this morning I had to print something out, and low and behold, when my printer opened up there was my pencil sitting on the paper tray.

Thanks, little stinker.

I feel restored now. And, yes you can all laugh at how weird I am.

On a slightly more normal note, we now have a fully functioning new computer! I can now post pictures. And, as we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. (Yes, I see your happy dance, Daniel!)

1 comment:

  1. If you're weird, then I'm weird..cuz I totally understand! :o) Can't wait till you post more pics of your crew!
