Saturday, June 16, 2012

Found: A baby bird

Not a baby bird, more like a fledgling that wasn't quite ready to fly far yet. I had a few extra kids one day (yeah, I just pick them up here and there). Eliana and her friend were playing in the backyeard, in the window well to be precise. It was there the little birdie was found. He (or she) didn't seem to mind being picked up and held by two 3 year olds. Or by all the rest of the kids that then came crowding around.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

It's a hummingbird?

About two weeks ago, I was outside around dusk trimming some of my bushes and plants. As I hauled away the cut branches I passed my honeysuckle vines. A little flutter caught my eye and I noticed a hummingbird hovering around the blossoms. I stepped back and saw not one, but three! Amazed, I just stood there and watched for a while.

The kids were still up, so I called them to come and see the hummingbirds. I also sent my oldest for my camera. But, as I watched closely, I realized that they were not hummingbirds. The body shape was different, though the creatures could hover and flutter just like hummingbirds. The numbers were multiply as well. First three, then five, then seven, then I lost track because they were all over. After watching them for a while and getting close enough to see their bodies, it became evident that they were moths. I had never heard of this before. (Yeah, so much for my former life as a biologist.)

I managed to get some really awesome shots. Amazing since they moved so fast and it was dark by then. I looked them up and they are a type of hummingbird moth: the white-striped sphynx moth.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June already?

I apologize for those few who may be following our blog. Our computer died in May and rendered any blog post almost impossible. It is very difficult to access and write much more than a blurb on this blog through my phone or Kindle Fire. The computer was revived and we are on the hunt for a new one, but at least I can say Hello here now.

What have we been doing this last month or so? Well, a lot! I will do a few blog posts on some particular things. We've taken a trip, had family here, replaced our garage roof, had a birthday, did some more preparing for our mission work, and just lived life. This month is going to be a bit busy as I start packing up our belongings. I need some motivation to do this, and I'm not finding any.

Brett finishes residency on June 29th. Hard to believe five years is over just like that. It's bittersweet, as most big changes like this are. I'm looking forward to what God has in store and seeing how He will provide and guide our steps. Please pray for our home to sell. The last month has been most discouraging in that respect. I'll try to get some more interesting things on here. And those pictures, Daniel. :o)